Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Reasons To Be Thankful

I want to take the time and to thank those of you whom are already actively reading my blog and I apologize that it has sort of shifted to a new blog. I want to thank those of you first time readers for tuning in and listening. I think I have truly found the one thing I enjoy and look forward to which is blogging. Though it is sort of planned out that I did this blog this close to thanks giving.

I say I sort of planned this because  we get so focused in the holidays this time of year. We get so sucked up in thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping and Christmas we start losing sight of the big picture. We lose sight and go to the original tradition of why we have thanksgiving. This is not bad however we lose sight of the bigger picture. When we think of thanksgiving we only think of the pilgrims and Indians. We think of how the Indiana's helped the pilgrims survive and grow crops when they came to America.

So you may be asking me what the big deal about thanksgiving is, if it's not about the above pictures? Well the answer is Jesus! See we have so much more to be thankful for on the holidays for more than just food and relatives. We have grace to be thankful for. See through the cross and the sacrifice of Jesus, we have gained the forgiveness to our sins. We have achieved that which at one point impossible. 

Before Jesus went to the cross, we were required to  have animal sacrifices which did not even come close to pardoning us of our sin. Then why were we required to have sacrifices if they didn't do anything? Simple, the answer is because it shows us what the price of sin is. The price of sin is death. So what does Jesus have to do with this? It is simple. Jesus was the sacrifice that was able to pay the price and redeem us. 

The point of this blog is to remind you to be thankful for more than just what you have but to be thankful for your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. See Jesus being fully God did not have to go to the cross and die for us. However He loved us so much that He wanted to save us from the claws of death. So take the time to think of and remember Him. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you got something for it.